How to order - two ways, one select images, email me with what images you want and any wording you would like added and I'll send an invoice. OR use buttons at the bottom of the page. (make sure to include the photo number <in the caption> and any wording you would like added.
For those of you new to have me do your win photos.... I do not do much if any editing to the images here. (I crop, and do basic color corrections. Once you have selected your images, I do full edits, add awards won, dogs names, etc. Here is a sample of what the original image looked like <what you would see here on the page, and then the final version, just so you have an idea. (that means it won't be an instant download.... it generally takes a day or so for digital images, and then if you order prints, those orders will be sent to my professional lab for high quality prints after that and shipped when I get them back.
To make it easier to find your images I have them sorted by breed (and sometimes color) or if I know the handlers.... by handler! To see full image make sure to click to enlarge.
Sunshine's Hound
Woody- Vizsla
Black Poodle
MCS Poodle
Raechel Stenzel's Dogs
Single Medium Resolution image - digital
Digital file emailed to you . This is a medium resolution file, you should be able to print smaller images (should go up to 8X10). (remember walmart/CVS type prints ARE NOT the same as prints printed from a professional lab.) please remember to include the file number of your image.
Great for sharing on facebook or your website. (These will not print well) They will have a slightly larger signature/logo in the corner than the print images do. please remember to include your file number of your image.